Printer Specifications

This machine functions as a printer based on the following specifications using Image Controller in the standard.



Built-in image controller


  • HDD capacity: 1 TB x 2

  • SSD capacity: 4 GB

  • Memory capacity: 16 GB

Built-in fonts

PostScript: 2 Japanese fonts (Gothic Medium BBB and Ryumin L-KL), 136 European fonts

PCL5e/XL(PCL6): 4 Japanese fonts HG Gothic B, HG Ming L, HGP Gothic B, HGP Ming L (Symbolset: 1 type Win31J-DBCS), 80 European fonts AGFA Contract fonts (Symbolset: 45 types), 1 Line Printer font (10 types)

Page description language

Adobe PostScript3 (3020)